
政治科学, International Studies

If you are a residential student, where have you lived at W&和谁一起?? I loved living on Chestnut Street with my sisters!

What or whom was your favorite class or professor? 为什么?

Dr. Kieran was probably my favorite professor. I learned so much about how to be a student, and how to think critically in his classes. His papers and critiques were always tough, but I came out of them with a better understanding of the subjects and how to express them. You can tell he really cares about his students. It made the world of difference.

If you are a residential student, where have you lived at W&和谁一起??

I loved living on Chestnut Street with my sisters! The Kappa Alpha Theta facility was always full of laughs and good times.

What inspired you to stay at W&J when things got tough?

My friends and sisters were the ones who inspired me to tough it out, ultimately.

What was a favorite class project you completed while at W&J?

HIS 336: Race, Crime, Prisons, and Justice with Dr.Kieran was a wonderful class.